Case Study

Evanston Public Library 2020 digital annual report

I designed a printed annual report for Evanston Public Library for 2020 — the year the pandemic brought monumental challenges to the way a public library and society operates. Evanston Public Library was a critical source for community support and they pivoted to safely meet the needs of Evanstonians during lockdown and as the State of Illinois began to open in stages.

The challenge — how to tell this story in way that library patrons and citizens could readily grasp if they did not read the annual report. Adobe Spark provided the perfect platform to recreate the print experience online. Adobe Spark allows for design of “long form” digital documents that are fully responsive to desktop, pad devices and mobile. I recreated the the print piece as an Adobe Spark Document shown here. Photos are full screen and engaging and the format offers ample space for the narrative.

Stephen B. Starr Design, Inc.
2120 Madison Place
Evanston, IL 60202-1926

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